Greece Catches the Attention of Foreign Investors and Entrepreneurs

The first Investor’s Roadshow of 2022 organized by Endeavor Greece was
successfully brought into completion with the participation of world-class VCs and international companies

Greece, February 3rd 2022 – Top European investment schemes held meetups with fast growing European companies as part of the online Investor’s Roadshow hosted by Endeavor Greece. Specifically, throughout the Roadshow, 80 speed dating sessions were held between 35 Greek and European startups and 19 investment schemes, providing valuable financing opportunities. The investors manifested considerable interest, a fact which asserts the dynamics of the Greek entrepreneurial ecosystem and in particular the momentum of the technology sector. According to Endeavor’s estimations this year is expected to set a record in all key indicators of the ecosystem generated by the Greek startups 

The first Investor’s Roadshow of the year was attended by 19 investment schemes, among which there were found some world-class VCs, such as Softbank Vision Fund, Prime Venture Partners, Highland Europe and AXA Venture Partners, all known for the hundreds millions of dollars they raise and for investing in a number of top technology companies worldwide. Moreover, 35 fast-growing scale up companies with headquarters in Greece, Ireland, Germany, Britain, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Switzerland and the Netherlands, participated in the Roadshow.

The fact that both investment schemes and companies from every part of Europe participated in the Roadshow organized by Endeavor Greece highlights the established status of the organization in the European ecosystem as well as the momentum of the ecosystem of our country, while at the same time it confirms the forecasts for its rapid growth within the next five years.

In the wake of the first Investor’s Roadshow so far this year, Periklis Vasileiadis, FinTech & EdTech Portfolio Lead at Endeavor Greece stated:

“At a time when the Greek entrepreneurial ecosystem is on a growth trajectory, it is essential that the Greek companies attract investments from leading investment schemes, so they can maintain this upward trend. We are particularly pleased that through Investor’s Roadshow Endeavor Greece acted as a platform for attracting investments from leading global funds, some of which interacted for the first time with Greek companies. Taking this into consideration, we are currently planning similar actions that aim to put the domestic ecosystem on the map of global investments.”

Aphroditi Theodorakopoulou, Healthcare Portfolio Lead at Endeavor Greece, added:

“Endeavor has long experience in the development of ecosystems in emerging markets, which provides us with the necessary knowledge so as to identify the margins of development and to establish the position of the Greek entrepreneurs on the global map. The success of the Investor’s Roadshow is due to the fact that we were able to pinpoint the need for a successful matching between the investors and the entrepreneurs, and we turned the attention of investment giants to Greek companies. Through this process, we increased the successful synergies and contributed to the growth of both the Greek and European ecosystem.”

In recent years, Endeavor Greece has carried out a number of global actions, which resulted in the creation of a large community of hundreds of Greek entrepreneurs, investors and executives from the fields of innovation worldwide. Through its actions, the organization wishes to fulfill its goals, which are none other than creating significant opportunities for startups of the Greek ecosystem and the overall support and promotion of the Greek entrepreneurship and ecosystem worldwide.

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