Pnoe, with the innovative respiratory analyzer, joins the Endeavor network

Apostolos Atsalakis, co-founder and CEO of PNOĒ, joins the Endeavor network and becomes the 30th entrepreneur of the organization in Greece. The company was selected during the 91st International Selection Panel (ISP), the final stage of the multi-step selection process for choosing the new Endeavor Entrepreneurs, held in Istanbul on October 21st – 23rd. Apostolos Apostolakis, partner & co-founder at Venture Friends VC, was among the panelists. 

PNOĒ, represented by Apostolos Atsalakis, has created a breath analysis solution, which measures its users’ health condition, through a 12-minute test, aiming to improve their cardiopulmonary health, nutrition and exercise. PNOĒ leverages the science behind cardio-metabolic analysis (CMA) which assesses the users’ health state, by measuring the concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen in their breathing. PNOĒ’s almost fully-automated system of algorithms and experts translates users’ breathing into actionable, personalized insights, such as dietary improvements, in 24 hours or less. Lastly, PNOĒ has graduated from Y Combinator accelerator program. 

Maritina Grelloni, Entrepreneur Selection & Growth Manager at Endeavor, stated: «Apostolos has an impressive background and PNOĒ is a very promising company. It is the first 100% greek company that has graduated from YCombinator and we are very pleased that it managed to join our network. Apostolos is one of the key healthtech players globally, among many other Greeks. The integration of PNOĒ is the perfect start for Endeavor Greece to build this portfolio.»

Finally, Apostolos Atsalakis said that his participation to Endeavor’s International Selection Panel has been a valuable experience. As he mentioned: “I was given the opportunity to meet some of the most important representatives of the global business community. I am very excited to be a member of the Endeavor network and I am confident that Endeavor will give me the chance to meet key people of the industry and to get in touch with international investors. ”

Endeavor is an international non-profit organization, which selects and supports the most promising companies around the world with the help of the most prominent business leaders and investors globally. Since 1997, more than 1900 Endeavor Entrepreneurs from more than 1200 companies have been selected globally, who have created more than 3 million jobs and in 2018 generated more than €20 billion in revenues. Since 2012, when Endeavor started operating in Greece, we support 24 greek companies: Blueground, Centaur, CHB – Christodoulou Brothers, Dust+Cream, Ergon, FrezyDerm, Green Cola, Hellas Direct, HotelBrain, InstaShop, Konva, NumberAI, Matternet, MTI, Oseven Telematics, Papadimitriou, Pnoe, Pollfish, Raymetrics, Softomotive, SYCHEM, Think Digital Group (TDG), Workable, Yodiwo.

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